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19/07/2024 04:15:00

Work Ban in Sicily During Hottest Hours and Days for High-Risk Sectors

 An urgent ordinance signed by the President of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani, prohibits work during the hottest hours and days for certain high-risk sectors. This order, effective immediately and valid until August 31, 2024, applies to workers in agriculture, horticulture, construction, and related sectors who engage in intense physical activity and prolonged sun exposure.

"This is an urgent measure," explains President Schifani, "which I have taken independently to protect the health of workers most exposed to the sun during this period when Sicily is experiencing an exceptional heat wave, with high temperatures and high humidity levels. For those working under these conditions outdoors, the risks are extremely high: the effects of heat stroke can even be fatal."

The ordinance specifically mandates that throughout Sicily, from 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM, activities be suspended on days when the Inail map (published on the Worklimate website) indicates a "high" risk. Regarding public utility operations, employers must adopt organizational measures to ensure minimum levels of essential service performance.