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29/03/2018 04:10:00

Sgarbi quits as Sicily arts chief

 Art critics and polemicist Vittorio Sgarbi on Tuesday quit as Sicily executive councillor for the arts and cultural heritage.
Sgarbi, 65, known for his waspish wit, fierce invective and impassioned and encyclopaedic knowledge of art, said he would pass on his mandate to Sicilian sea heritage chief Sebastiano Tusa.
Tusa, also 65, is a well-known archaeologist.
"I hope (Tusa) is the new councillor for the cultural heritage," said Sgarbi.
Sgarbi said he was quitting because he was "fed up" with new Sicily Governor Nello Musumeci, elected on a centre-right ticket in November.
"Musumeci is really bad-mannered," said Sgarbi, who also said he would "spit in the face of anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) members who filed a note of censure against him.