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01/08/2023 04:05:00

   Discovery of Unusual Creatures in Pantelleria's Lake Sparks Curiosity and Clarification

Images of a peculiar creature found in Pantelleria's Lake Bagno dell'Acquea have been a topic of much discussion lately, with some speculating it to be leeches or some type of worm.

However, the mysterious creature in question is, in fact, the larvae of insects—specifically, aquatic larvae of Ditteri Stratiomyidae, commonly known as soldier flies. These unique flies, as adults, mimic the appearance of certain wasps. Their presence in the area is constant, particularly during this time of year, as they are preparing to undergo metamorphosis and transform into adult specimens. Unlike the typical house flies that often plague our homes, Stratiomyidae belong to a distinct category of flies that, as adults, play an essential role as pollinators or do not feed at all, using their brief adult life solely for reproduction. They are entirely harmless to humans and are part of the local fauna in the lake, which boasts a remarkable diversity, serving as a true paradise for countless species of insects, some of which are endemic.

The larvae of Stratiomyidae play a vital role in removing a significant amount of organic matter present in the lake. This includes living organic matter such as microalgae and microorganisms like cyanobacteria, which characterize both the water column and the lake bed, forming bacterial felts. Additionally, these larvae help decompose larger animals or parts of animals, contributing to the lake's overall ecosystem health.

There is no reason to fear their presence; on the contrary, they are highly useful and essential to the environment. Despite their somewhat unappealing appearance, their ecological role is fundamental in maintaining the balance of the lake's ecosystem.

It is essential to recognize and appreciate the intricate web of life present in Pantelleria's natural environment. The lake's unique biodiversity, including the presence of these fascinating larvae, highlights the delicate harmony that exists in this beautiful and cherished location.