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08/12/2023 04:40:00

Inauguration of the Vinyl Museum in Marsala: A Musical Journey Through Time

Marsala welcomes a valuable addition to its cultural landscape—the birth of the Vinyl Museum. Housed in a wing on the first floor of the San Pietro Monumental Complex, made available through a gratuitous loan from the Municipality, this museum is a testament to the generosity of RMC 101, a local radio station. The station donated an extensive collection of over 10,000 vinyl records and radio equipment to create this cultural and musical heritage hub.

An Analogical Musical Odyssey:
The museum offers a unique journey through music, exploring the instruments used over the years to reproduce it. In an era dominated by the immaterial and emotionless, the Vinyl Museum brings visitors back to the analogical charm of music. Here, one can browse, touch, select, place the needle, and listen—a sensory experience that transcends the digital age.

Collaborative Project:
The inception of the Vinyl Museum is a collaborative effort, showcasing the power of partnerships. The Product and Communication Design Laboratory of the Industrial Design Bachelor's Degree Program at the University of Palermo played a pivotal role. Under the guidance of Professor Serena Del Puglia, students crafted the graphic elements that adorn the section titled "What Music Do You Want to Tell? Stories-Gazes-Visions."

Student Involvement:
The meticulous task of collecting, digitizing, and cataloging materials fell into the hands of students from the "Garibaldi" Technical Institute in Marsala. Despite being a generation immersed in streaming, these students found themselves captivated by the allure of vinyl—a gesture, once lost, now rediscovered in the intimate setting of the Vinyl Museum in Marsala.

The Piccolo Museo del Vinile stands as a testament to the harmonious collaboration between educational institutions, local businesses, and the community. Through the lens of music and the tangible medium of vinyl, the museum bridges generations, offering a space where the past and present converge in a celebration of cultural richness. This museum not only preserves a vast musical heritage but also invites visitors to partake in a sensory journey that goes beyond the digital realm.