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20/12/2023 04:40:00

Mafia Culture Persists: The Case in Operation Hesperia

 The recent conclusion of Operation Hesperia, an anti-mafia operation resulting in over 200 years of combined sentences, unveils the persistent challenges faced in eradicating mafia culture. Among the convicted is Mimmo Li Causi, a Marsala-based entrepreneur affiliated with Marsalbotti, whose journey from house arrest to a 4-year, 4-month sentence illustrates the entwined relationship between individuals seeking mafia assistance and the enduring influence of organized crime in the region.

Operation Hesperia Overview:
Hesperia, the final anti-mafia operation in the Trapani province before Matteo Messina Denaro's arrest, targeted mafia factions in Campobello di Mazara, Marsala, and Mazara del Vallo. The operation involved 35 alleged mafiosi and Cosa Nostra accomplices. Notably, figures like Francesco Luppino, a loyal associate of Matteo Messina Denaro, received a severe 20-year sentence. Similar penalties were imposed on Marsalese Francesco Giuseppe Raia.

The Lingering Power of Old Mafiosi:
Several arrested individuals belonged to the old guard of a mafia that no longer engages in violent activities or million-dollar enterprises. These "relics" cling to ancient codes, maintaining a semblance of mafia reputation. However, their influence persists, sustained by those who continue to credit their residual power, thus perpetuating a culture difficult to uproot.

Mimmo Li Causi's Involvement:
Girolamo "Mimmo" Li Causi, born in 1967, found himself under house arrest a year ago. His subsequent 4-year, 4-month sentence resulted from his solicitation of mafia assistance in recovering a debt of €220,000. Li Causi, along with accomplices Antonino Cuttone, Antonino Pace, Vito Gaiazzo, and Vincenzo Pisciotta, sought coercive means to compel Giuseppe, Maria, and Antonio Possente to pay the debt.

The investigation uncovered a complex extortion scheme orchestrated by Li Causi and mafiosi against another entrepreneur, Giuseppe Possente. Li Causi engaged mafioso Antonino Cuttone to recover the debt, subsequently tasking Vincenzo Pisciotta, Antonino Pace, and Vito Gaiazzo with the mission. Part of the recovered sum was intended for Cosa Nostra. Li Causi, in his pursuit of Possente, continually updated his associates on the progress, hinting at possible legal intervention. However, mafiosi advised him to intensify pressure, even suggesting a visit to Possente's home.

Cultural Ties and Mafia Intimidation:
Li Causi's case exposes the enduring strength of mafia culture, sustained by individuals seeking assistance from even lower-ranking mafiosi. The intertwining of legitimate business interests with organized crime perpetuates a culture that proves challenging to eliminate. As long as individuals turn to mafiosi, granting them legitimacy, the mafia's intimidating force will continue to wield influence in the territory.

The intricacies of Mimmo Li Causi's case underscore the cultural complexities that enable the mafia's endurance. Operation Hesperia serves as a stark reminder that eradicating mafia influence requires not only targeting criminal elements but also addressing the cultural ties and systemic issues that sustain organized crime in the region.