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14/03/2024 04:40:00

The Stagnone di Marsala Nature Reserve faces an imminent environmental crisis

 The serene expanse of the Stagnone di Marsala Nature Reserve is marred by a cacophony of kites, revelries, music, kiosks, and rampant unauthorized activities, transforming what should be a natural haven into a chaotic scene reminiscent of Woodstock, all while authorities and management entities remain largely indifferent.

 Recently, a national conference organized by the Italian Coordination for the Protection of Natural Environments from Large Events shed light on the significant environmental and biodiversity impact posed by large events in natural settings, with a focus on the extensive anthropization of the Stagnone di Marsala Nature Reserve. Giuseppe Marino, Legambiente's representative in Marsala, presented insights during the conference.

For years, Legambiente has been at the forefront of advocating for the protection of the Stagnone Reserve, emphasizing how activities such as kitesurfing, the proliferation of kiosks, and the overall human presence within the reserve can jeopardize its delicate ecosystem.

During the conference, Legambiente highlighted the bustling area known as the "Enchantment," which attracts a considerable number of kitesurfers and has transformed into what can only be described as chaotic. Issues include rampant illegal parking along the shorelines, blaring music, perpetual traffic congestions along the sole access road, and even the recent removal of synthetic carpets once used by kitesurfing schools to facilitate easy launching of sails, causing extensive disruption to the lagoon shoreline and its vegetation.

Despite regulations clearly prohibiting activities detrimental to environmental integrity and tranquility, such as unauthorized sports events and unapproved constructions, many such actions persist with tacit acceptance from authorities.

The recent allocation of €50,000 by the Sicilian Regional Government to finance Kitefest 2024, an event attracting thousands to the reserve area, juxtaposes these prohibitions, raising concerns about the genuine commitment to environmental preservation.

Additionally, unauthorized motorized watercraft continue to operate within the reserve, flouting regulations designed to protect the delicate ecosystem. Recent interventions by the Coast Guard against unauthorized mooring highlight ongoing challenges.

Legambiente's comprehensive report also delves into issues in San Teodoro, including unauthorized beach umbrellas and coastal damages, compounded by waste mismanagement and the lingering presence of kiosks beyond the summer season, leading to unsustainable occupation of the area.

Conclusion: The Stagnone di Marsala Nature Reserve faces an imminent environmental crisis, aggravated by unregulated human activities, neglected infrastructural maintenance, and insufficient regulatory enforcement. Urgent intervention and stringent adherence to environmental protocols are imperative to safeguard the reserve's unique biodiversity and ecological balance as the spring season approaches, bringing an influx of visitors to this once-pristine sanctuary.