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16/04/2024 04:15:00

Marsala, Stagnone: Citizens Take Action Against Pollution

Tired of seeing their beloved Stagnone Nature Reserve defaced by waste, a group of Marsala citizens decided to take matters into their own hands. On Sunday, April 14, armed with gloves and bags, they organized a clean-up day in the Birgi area, collecting a large quantity of garbage of all kinds, from tires and chairs to plastic, iron, glass, and car batteries.

The initiative was born within the "Insieme per lo Stagnone" committee, a group of people who care about the future of this precious nature reserve. "The Stagnone is an area that constitutes an extraordinary heritage from an environmental and landscape point of view, but also historical and cultural," explains Loredana Giacalone, president of the committee. "Unfortunately, however, it is also a place often marred by waste. This is why we decided to do something concrete to protect it."

Love for their land and the desire to make it a better place for everyone are the motivations that drive the members of the committee to dedicate their free time to cleaning up the Reserve. "We want the Stagnone to be a welcoming and livable place, both for residents and tourists," adds Giacalone. "For this reason, in addition to clean-up days, we are committed to promoting the area and encouraging the maintenance of roads, equipment, and services. We also want to offer information to tourists and protect their safety."

The "Insieme per lo Stagnone" committee is a concrete example of how citizens can make a difference for their territory. Thanks to their commitment and passion, the Stagnone Nature Reserve has a brighter future.