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01/06/2024 04:55:00

San Francesco di Paola Amphitheater: A Cultural Gem Carved from Tufa Stone in Marsala

 The San Francesco di Paola Amphitheater, entirely constructed from tufa stone, is located in the area of the Santo Padre delle Perriere sanctuary in Marsala. Where once was a quarry, there now lie seats and flooring also crafted from tufa stone, the same material as the much-admired sanctuary itself.

"This amphitheater isn't just a church; the idea is to make it a meeting place for culture, where concerts or theatrical performances can be held," explains Father Vincenzo Greco, parish priest of the Santo Padre delle Perriere Church. We find him at the San Francesco di Paola Sanctuary, making the final arrangements for the inauguration on Friday, May 31, at 8:30 PM, when a mass will be celebrated by Bishop Monsignor Angelo Giurdanella. Following the mass, there will be a concert performed by the Sicily Denner Clarinet Ensemble, directed by Salvatore Gioach Ciccotta, presented by the "Scontrino" Conservatory of Trapani.

The creation of the San Francesco di Paola Amphitheater was made possible through the dedication and generosity of many individuals who donated time and money to shape something truly evocative. Dominating the arena is a bronze crucifix donated by the De Bartoli family in memory of Giuseppina Pellegrino De Bartoli.

This magical place, especially at dusk, features lighting that enhances the rocky surroundings. The amphitheater will host masses as well as cultural events, symbolizing a church that opens its doors to the community and the world of culture.

Marsala, ecco il suggestivo anfiteatro realizzato interamente in tufo from Tp24 on Vimeo.