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03/07/2024 04:25:00

  Terror Alert Raised as US Military Base in Sicily on High Alert

 The US intelligence services have raised the terrorism alert level at US military bases in Europe. This heightened state of alert coincides with the ongoing UEFA European Championship in Germany and the upcoming Olympics in France. Among the affected bases is the Sigonella base in Sicily, where security measures have been elevated to "Charlie" level, the second highest alert level.

The Charlie alert level is activated when an incident occurs or information is received indicating the likelihood of a terrorist action or attack against personnel or facilities, according to the US military. A US official stationed in Europe told CNN that this level of threat has not been seen in at least ten years, suggesting that the military has received a "reliable active threat."

US military bases in Italy use four alert levels: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. The highest level, Delta, was last activated on September 11, 2001, the day of the terrorist attacks on New York's Twin Towers.

The Sigonella base, officially known as "Cosimo Di Palma" Airport, hosts the 41st Anti-Submarine Warfare Wing and the 11th Aircraft Maintenance Unit of the Italian Air Force, in addition to the US Navy's Naval Air Station (NAS). It is a crucial facility for NATO operations, with approximately 4,000-5,000 military personnel, which can rise to 7,000 including families. Sigonella plays a vital logistical role in political and military crises in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, hosting armed drones, Global Hawk and U-2 spy planes, as well as various transport, refueling, maritime patrol, and anti-submarine aircraft.

In addition to Sigonella, other bases like the US Army garrison in Stuttgart, home to the United States European Command (Useucom), are also on high alert. Spokesman Dan Day refrained from commenting on specific protection levels but confirmed that the command constantly evaluates factors affecting the security of the US military community abroad, taking additional measures to ensure personnel safety.

The intelligence information that triggered the alert remains unclear, but European authorities have warned of a potential terrorist threat, especially in light of the Paris Olympics and the current European football championships in Germany. The German government has mobilized 580 international police officers to ensure security alongside German law enforcement. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser stated that the country is preparing for all conceivable dangers, from Islamic terrorism to violent criminals and hooligans.

France has also stepped up to address the possibility of a terrorist threat during the Olympics, which begin in less than a month. According to the US embassy in France, Paris has raised its national security alert system to the highest level. "French authorities are actively monitoring terrorist threats from organized groups and radicalized individuals," the US embassy stated, warning that "attacks can occur with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, major sporting and cultural events, and other public areas that attract large numbers of civilians."