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11/07/2024 04:40:00

Sicily's only natural lake dries up

 A severe drought in Sicily has almost dried up the only lake on the Mediterranean island that serves as a resting place for birds migrating between Africa and Europe, Reuters reported, citing from BTA.

Rainfall in Sicily has been below normal for months, with the government declaring a state of emergency due to the crisis, which has devastated crops and pastures.

Lake Pergusa is in a nature reserve near the town of Enna. It shrunk dramatically due to a combination of heat and little rain.

"The lake no longer exists. The water that was visible has completely disappeared, except for this puddle," said Giuseppe Maria Amato of the conservation group Legambiente.

Sicily has long struggled with high temperatures linked to climate change, setting a European heat record of 48.8 degrees Celsius in 2021 and forcing water curfews in a number of cities.