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10/09/2024 04:25:00

LeBron spotted in Trapani

 Sicily confirms itself as one of the most popular destinations of summer 2024. After David Beckham and Victoria, Mark Zuckerberg, today, Saturday, September 7, the Olympic and NBA champion LeBron James was spotted in Palermo e Trapani.

The American basketball player was seen with his wife leaving a starred restaurant in the historic center of the Sicilian capital. Yesterday evening, the Los Angeles Lakers champion had already hinted at his presence by posting a blurry story of a gulf and sea that seemed to be in Sicily.

The confirmation came today, when LeBron was spotted by several people near the historic center of the city, more precisely near the Church of the Chain between Corso Vittorio Emanuele and La Cala.

Leaving a starred restaurant accompanied by his wife Savannah Brinson and their bodyguards who prevented the assault of all the fans present outside the restaurant. The two were filmed getting into a car, probably heading to Villa Igea, where they are staying. There were also photos and videos that went viral on social media, sparking the enthusiasm of millions of fans. An unexpected encounter that warmed the hearts of the people of Palermo and Sicily.