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11/07/2023 04:40:00

Another victim of a road accident in Marsala

 Giuseppe Angileri, an 18-year-old, is yet another victim of a road accident in Marsala. He tragically lost his life Sunday afternoon in a crash that occurred around 4 p.m. on Via Favara, near the roundabout between the Scacciaiazzo, Ciavolo, and Ponte Fiumarella districts in the southern outskirts of Marsala.

Angileri was behind the wheel of a gray VW Polo that, for reasons yet to be determined, lost control on its own, overturned, and crashed into a wall. Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for him; he died instantly. Accompanying the young man was a 17-year-old girl who miraculously escaped unharmed, suffering only minor injuries. She was transferred to the emergency room in Marsala in a state of shock.

Municipal Police officers from Marsala and Carabinieri personnel promptly arrived at the scene for investigation purposes. The forensic doctor and the magistrate on duty also arrived at the scene before releasing the victim's body to the grieving family, who are devastated by this tragedy.