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13/07/2023 04:45:00

 Mounting waste issues at the Stagnone of Marsala

 Mounting waste issues at the Stagnone of Marsala. The Nature Reserve is increasingly neglected by the former Province and Municipality of Marsala. Even the renowned writer Stefania Auci, famous for her Florio saga (a multimillion-copy success), has taken notice.

Auci, hailing from Trapani, visited San Teodoro, the northern tip of Marsala, and shared pictures of the waste she found on social media. It was truly embarrassing. Plastic cups, flip-flops, glass bottles, and filthy bags littered the area.

Unfortunately, for years now, the Stagnone Nature Reserve has been abandoned. The Municipality of Marsala has only focused on setting up kiosks after kiosks. Numerous establishments, particularly those related to kite surfing, have opened in the heart of the Reserve, causing chaos, traffic, and a wave of incivility.

While the Municipality promotes kite surfing, the pink flamingos and seahorses have disappeared. The vast stretches of glasswort and sea lavender (unique in Europe) have been replaced by parking lots and kiosks.

There are no environmental guards, and the cycle path is constantly vandalized. Nobody respects the Reserve's regulations. Sprawling English lawns and local establishments have emerged.

We have previously addressed the neglect of the Stagnone several times on Tp24. Here is one of our recent articles on the matter.