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21/09/2023 04:35:00

Swift Response by Sicilian Rescue Team Saves Injured Tourist in Zingaro Nature Reserve

 The Sicilian Alpine and Speleological Rescue Team from the Palermo Station sprang into action in the Zingaro Nature Reserve after a tourist suffered an accident near Cala Capreria.

The woman, a 48-year-old from Ancona, was on an excursion with a group of friends when she slipped on the trail while descending towards the beach, resulting in a suspected fracture of her left ankle.

Her companions promptly raised the alarm by dialing the Unified Emergency Number 112. The 118 central command requested the intervention of the Alpine Rescue, which deployed two teams. Technicians arrived on the scene along with 118 personnel. After immobilizing her ankle, the teams loaded the woman onto a special "Lecco" stretcher equipped with a central wheel, particularly suitable for maneuvering on rugged terrain. They hand-carried her for over a kilometer to the Castellammare del Golfo entrance, where a 118 ambulance was waiting to transfer her to the hospital in Alcamo.

In the event of accidents on rock walls, trails, mountainous environments, snowy terrain, cliffs, caves, river gorges, or in the case of people lost in mountainous, rugged, and hostile environments, it is necessary to call the Unified Emergency Number (NUE) 112 to alert the Alpine Rescue. Specify that a mountain or rugged terrain rescue is needed. The #NUE112 operator, using the specific "Operational Procedure for Mountain and Rugged Environments," will transfer the rescue call to the 118 Central Operations, which will then alert the Alpine and Speleological Rescue Team (CNSAS).