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14/10/2023 04:40:00

Jealousy-Fueled Assault: Three Women Face Preliminary Hearing for Brutal Attack

 In a horrifying display of jealousy, three assailants subjected their designated victim to a relentless barrage of kicks and punches.

On the upcoming seventh of December, the key figures in this violent episode are set to appear before the judge in Marsala for the preliminary hearing. Public prosecutor Stefania Tredici has formally requested their indictment.

The victim, Lucia Cristina E., born in 1992, was represented by lawyer Ornella Cialona.

The three young women involved in the assault are Stella D. A. (1997), Monia M. (1998), and Francesca V. (2002). The incident dates back to August 2022. According to the charges, Lucia Cristina was deceitfully lured near the establishment "Dolce Vita" on Via Dara. It was there that Monia, Francesca, and Stella launched their vicious attack. Kicks and punches were delivered with shocking brutality. Even when the victim fell to the ground, Monia allegedly persisted, continuing to strike and forcefully slamming her head against a Fiat Panda parked nearby. Simultaneously, Stella and Francesca operated the vehicle to block any chance of escape for the battered victim.

Due to the severity of the beating, Lucia Cristina had to seek immediate medical attention. The investigation was led by the Carabinieri of San Filippo and Giacomo, prompted by the victim's report, which included photos and chat screenshots.