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07/12/2023 04:50:00

Martina Gentile: Daughter's Arrest Illuminates Dark Ties to Mafia Boss Messina Denaro

 In a recent operation, Carabinieri of the ROS arrested Martina Gentile, daughter of Laura Bonafede, a teacher and alleged friend of the notorious mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro. Accused of delivering secret messages to the boss while her daughter was in a stroller, Gentile faces charges of complicity and procuring disregard for the penalty, aggravated by mafia-style methods. This arrest follows the earlier apprehension of Laura Bonafede on the same charges, highlighting the intricate web surrounding Messina Denaro's support network.

Arrest and Accusations:
Martina Gentile was arrested on Pantelleria Island, where she worked as a substitute teacher. The arrest is part of an ongoing investigation that led to the capture of Messina Denaro in Palermo on January 16. The prosecutor alleges that Gentile, fully aligned with mafia ideals inherited from her family, used her daughter's presence to avoid suspicion and facilitate less risky contacts with the fugitive boss.

Exploiting the Presence of the Child:
According to the judicial order, Gentile's small daughter was exploited to "avoid arousing suspicion" and make the contacts with the fugitive less risky. The prosecution argues that Gentile knew "all the counterintelligence mechanisms" of Matteo Messina Denaro, strategically placing her at the center of the support and protection system for the fugitive. This positioning allegedly granted her the ability to influence, manipulate, or maintain secrecy in the undisclosed aspects of the criminal enterprise.

Admiration for the Boss:
The judge notes in the preliminary investigation that Martina Gentile expressed "full appreciation for the personality of the fugitive" and even a "filial affection" despite the heinous crimes committed by Messina Denaro. The judge suggests that Gentile possessed the same level of awareness as her mother, not only sharing linguistic codes used for logistical support but also demonstrating genuine veneration for Messina Denaro through her actions and correspondences.

Martina Gentile's arrest unveils the depth of her involvement in the alleged criminal activities surrounding Matteo Messina Denaro. As the legal proceedings unfold, more details are expected to emerge, shedding light on the extent of her role in supporting the fugitive mafia boss.