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17/04/2024 04:40:00

Firefighting Helicopters: Deserted Tenders in Sicily, Exorbitant Costs to Blame?

 No bids were received for the tender to lease two large helicopters for firefighting operations in Sicily. The tender, worth 14 million euros and issued by the regional government, called for two helicopters capable of carrying 5,000 liters of water. These aircraft were deemed crucial for tackling summer wildfires. Similarly, a similar tender issued by Sardinia also went unanswered.

What factors contributed to the lack of interest? High rental costs and the preference of helicopter companies for more lucrative operations, such as those undertaken by Civil Protection agencies or in war zones, are believed to be the primary reasons.

The absence of these aerial assets deals a significant blow to summer wildfire prevention efforts, particularly in regions like Sicily and Sardinia, which are highly susceptible to large-scale blazes. Local authorities are exploring alternative solutions to ensure public safety during the summer season.

Potential alternatives include:

  • Increasing the number of ground-based firefighting crews
  • Enhancing fire prevention measures
  • Collaborating with private entities to lease helicopters

The goal is to guarantee an effective response to wildfires, safeguarding the environment and the population from associated risks.

This incident highlights the need to identify sustainable and structural solutions for aerial firefighting services, ensuring the availability of adequate aircraft in case of emergencies.