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28/11/2023 04:00:00

Dramatic Sea Rescue: Fisherman Faces Life-Threatening Ordeal near Pantelleria

In a harrowing incident this morning in Pantelleria, a 26-year-old fisherman from Partinico found himself on the brink of drowning. The young man is currently in critical condition at a hospital in Palermo, having been rescued by the coast guard in a battle between life and death.

A group of fishermen from Partinico had ventured to Pantelleria for a day of rod fishing. Unaware of the hazards associated with the area, one of the young men, aged 26, was overwhelmed and ended up in the waters near Punta Spadillo, behind the lighthouse. The high cliffs rendered rescue by the other three fishermen impossible. The Coast Guard of Pantelleria was alerted at 7:30 in the morning and promptly dispatched the search and rescue boat SAR CP 330 despite adverse weather conditions with waves reaching up to 4 meters.

The crew of the rescue boat, supported by a ground patrol, performed an almost heroic act by diving in to save the young man. Once on board, the young man was in an advanced state of hypothermia and semi-conscious.

Urgently transported to the port of Pantelleria, he was handed over to the healthcare professionals of the emergency medical service (118) and then transferred to the local emergency room and subsequently to the Civico Hospital in Palermo for urgent medical intervention. The location of the shipwreck, Punta Spadillo, is known for the fishing of occhiate (a type of fish), but it is also notorious for its danger. Over the years, at least two people have lost their lives due to unusual waves at that spot. Local fishermen are well aware of the risks but continue to brave the sea for its abundant catch, especially during the early hours.