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28/01/2024 04:00:00

President of the Palermo Court of Appeals Reflects on the Arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro

 Matteo Frasca, the President of the Court of Appeals in Palermo, asserts that the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro, which just a year ago was met with great satisfaction from all institutions in Italy, is not just the culmination of years of exhaustive police investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office in Palermo. It has also become a starting point, opening up new scenarios to identify, through increasingly complex and intricate investigations, especially when delving into financial operations, the protective network that facilitated his fugitive status and to uncover the sources of wealth for both the fugitive and the organization.

Key Points from Frasca's Presentation:
Despite the success in capturing the fugitive, Frasca highlights that the State provides insufficient responses to investigative apparatuses trying to unveil the new strategic lines of the mafia. He points out that a few months ago, only a portion of the vacant positions in the Court of Appeals had been published, none of which were filled, and none in the General Prosecutor's Office. Frasca emphasizes that Cosa Nostra has not been eradicated, maintaining a strong presence in the district territories that constitute its epicenter. Consequently, he calls for adequate resources to be allocated for an effective counteraction, particularly in the judicial sphere.

Frasca's remarks shed light on the ongoing challenges in combating organized crime in the region, emphasizing the need for sustained efforts and resources to address the complex and evolving nature of mafia operations.