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27/12/2024 04:25:00

  A Christmas Gesture of Solidarity in Marsala

 This Christmas in Marsala was marked by an act of solidarity and attention towards those in need. The main character in this story is Leo Genna, the winner of a Christmas raffle organized by Bar Esmeraldos, which featured a grand prize of a 10-kilogram artisanal panettone.

Confronted with the enormity of the prize and to avoid wastefulness, Leo Genna decided to donate the panettone to the San Vito Foundation Onlus, which operates communal dining halls in Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, and Salemi. This act brought joy to those who rely on the support of these dining facilities for a warm meal and comfort daily.

The large panettone was delivered to the “Rosario Livatino” communal dining hall in Mazara del Vallo, where yesterday, staff members sliced and distributed it to the guests. This sweet gesture made the Christmas sharing even more special for many people facing hardships.

Vito Puccio, the president of the San Vito Foundation Onlus, expressed his gratitude for the donation: "Mr. Leo Genna's act is a gesture of closeness to those living in difficult conditions. A thoughtful and significant choice, in line with our years-long successful efforts to combat waste at our communal dining halls."