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04/08/2017 12:46:00

Confiscated NGO ship "Iuventa" heading to Trapani from Lampedusa

The Iuventa, a Dutch-flagged ship operated by German NGO Jugend Rettet that was confiscated at the Italian island of Lampedusa this week in relation to a probe into alleged aiding of illegal migration, was set to be taken to the Sicilian port of Trapani on Friday.

Trapani prosecutors are investigating the case. Jugend Rettet has said it will appeal against the seizure of the ship and documents and computers aboard. Jugend Rettet was one of several NGOs involved in migrant rescues in the southern Mediterranean to refuse to sign a code of conduct at the interior ministry this week.

Up to now, four NGOs have signed the code, which, among other things, bans them from entering Libyan territorial waters.