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01/08/2019 04:10:00

Billionaire Summer Camp: The Rich And Famous Flock To Sicily For The Annual Google Camp

 Located on the southwest coast of Sicily, close to the seaside town of Sciacca, the wealthiest people have converged for the Annual Google Camp.

Traditionally held every year at the end of July, the famed Verdura Resort hosts the most top-secret gathering in the world. Even though social media posts are forbidden, the superyacht owners enjoy showing off their celebrity guests throughout the week's activities and high profile lunches.

Google execs selected the resort because of its location near Sicily’s UNESCO World Heritage ruins and is an easy one hour drive from Palermo, however, many guests arrive via helicopter to the resort's helipad or via private yacht.

  Numerous yachts have already arrived and are currently anchored off the beach at Verdura Resort; German pharmaceutical titan Udo J. Vetter's sailing yacht Aquarius, Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg's sailing yacht EOS, Graeme Hart's yacht Ulysses with others en route including David Geffen's yacht Rising Sun, Google's Eric Schmidt's yacht Infinityand its support vessel Intrepid, and more.