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27/09/2020 04:25:00

  Radiohead star Thom Yorke gets married to Dajana Roncione in Sicily

 Thom Yorke has married his girlfriend Dajana Roncione in Sicily.

The Radiohead singer, 51, and Italian actress, 36, tied the knot on Saturday at the Valguarnera in Bagheria, reports Italian Vanity Fair.

During the celebrations, the couple made all Covid-19 rules were followed, which meant they didn't have a dance floor and provided masks to their '120 guests'.

Speaking ahead of the ceremony, the singer told Vanity Fair: 'Despite all the difficulties caused by the global pandemic, we are proud and happy to get married here in Sicily. Sicily is Dajana's native island.'

The musician added that he hoped: 'In these strange times our wedding can be a small celebration, with our friends and family, of Sicilian culture and its way of life.'

It is understood Thom's Radiohead bandmates - Jonny and Colin Greenwood, Ed O'Brien and Philip Selway - were all invited to the stunning Sicilian wedding.

The couple were together for 23 years and had two children together before splitting in 2015.

Radiohead met at Abingdon School in the mid-1980s, before going on to make bestselling albums including The Bends, OK Computer and In Rainbows.

Thom Yorke and other members of the band have also recorded solo material.

In 2001 the group played South Park in Oxford - the last time they performed in front of a big audience in their home city.