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07/10/2020 04:10:00

Sicilian Leaguer quits after 'hailing mafia'

 A Sicilian member of the League on Monday quit the nationalist opposition party after appearing to praise the mafia in a speech at the weekend.

Lampedusa-born Angela Maraventano, a former League Senator, had been urged to exit the party by its Sicily head, Stefano Candiani, after her comments in Catania Saturday at a rally supporting national leader Matteo Salvini at the opening of his trial on allegedly abducting migrants in his closed ports policy as former interior minister.

"I'm a serious person, I accept Candiani's request and I quit," said Maraventano.

"I'm leaving the party but I will go forward with my battles against African mafias".
On Saturday Maraventano praised the old-school Italian mafia's alleged "courage and sensitivity", contrasting it with what she called "African mafias" behind human trafficking and illegal immigration.
In the case of the Gregoretti coast guard ship, a judge called Premier Giusepoe Conte to testify November 20 on Salvini's claim that he acted with the whole of the government in keeping migrants at sea on it for days before judges let them off.