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20/01/2022 02:55:00

Airbnb wants someone to live in Sicily rent-free for a year and you can bring a friend

 Need a change of scenery? Airbnb is looking for an adventurer who wants to move to Sicily for a year - and you'll get to live there completely rent-free!

The holiday rentals platform is offering up an opportunity to live in a three-storey traditional home in the Sicilian village of Sambuca, where you'll be actively encouraged to get involved with the local community, and fully immerse yourself in the Sicilian way of life.

We're talking everything from sampling that world-famous Italian cuisine in the local restaurants, to taking part in key events such as the grape harvest and even olive picking.

Oh, and the best part is that you can bring a friend along for the once-in-a-lifetime experience. (Or, if you want to bring your family, you can have a maximum of two adults and two children in total).

Sambuca made headlines back in 2019 when it sold houses for just one euro in a bid to entice people to move to the area and combat a decline in population.

Now, one of those beautiful homes has been transformed thanks to Airbnb and Italian architectural firm Studio Didea.

The property is divided into three floors. One comprises of a living room and master bedroom with an ensuite bathroom, one is a living room, kitchen, working space, bathroom and mezzanine bedroom, and one floor has an extra living room with a sofa bed.

You can apply on Airbnb here. There are of course some requirements. For example, all applicants must be over 18 and available to move to Sambuca for at least three consecutive months, starting from June 30 this year. You don't need to speak Italian, although it is of course a bonus (and you'll have ample opportunity to pick up the language if you're successful, obviously!).

Candidates will also need to commit to hosting one room for a minimum of nine months during their year-long stay.