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10/02/2022 04:50:00

Fundraiser in Palermo for burned multiethnic restaurant

  An event dedicated to food has been organized to raise funds for the multiethnic restaurant Moltivolti in Palermo's Ballarò district, which was damaged by a fire on January 29. The event also has a political side given that it is called "Primarie is on the table" - with a night mixing politics and food on February 10, starting at 8 pm, at Terrazze del Sole in Palermo, where mayoral elections will be held this year.

The issue of primaries, which is key for the imminent administrative vote in Palermo, will be discussed by leading members of the left-wing coalitions as they cook. The conversation will go from the dishes being prepared to programs ahead of the administrative elections.

Giampiero Trizzino and Giorgio Ciaccio, respectively a lawmaker and a former MP of the 5-Star Movement (M5S) will attend as part of the "kitchen brigade" that will interpret in a political way the traditional cooking challenge organized by Moltivolti. Part of the money raised during the event will be given to operators of the multiethnic restaurant in Ballarò, which was severely damaged by a fire in the night of January 29, for a resumption of work and social activities.

Speaking about politics, there will be a challenge in the preparation of a dish giving substance to ideas. "There is no limit to cooking inventive - explained Trizzino - but great awareness in the perspective of changing the city, the only veto is for pasta with sardines, which is used in a metaphorical sense in Palermo to describe scams. In the kitchen, we talk with frankness, the event will be more fun and will allow us to communicate in a better way with our companions of the adventure of municipal elections in a very difficult context".