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20/01/2025 04:05:00

Mayors of Belìce against the invasion of wind and photovoltaic parks

 The marks the 57th anniversary of the devastating earthquake that struck the Valle del Belìce, an event that left deep scars on the territory and in the collective memory. Today, thirteen mayors of the area are joining together to launch a loud and clear appeal: “Enough with the invasion of wind farms and photovoltaic panels that threaten the beauty and integrity of our landscape.” This manifesto, drafted during a meeting chaired by the mayor of Montevago, Margherita La Rocca Ruvolo, represents a response to a growing concern over requests to install energy systems that, according to the signatories, risk disfiguring one of the most pristine areas of Sicily.

The mayors, while recognizing the importance of renewable energy, express their opposition to projects that do not take into account the agricultural and tourist vocation of the Valle del Belìce. "We want sustainable development that respects our natural and cultural heritage," they say. The document, which will be presented to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani, calls for the suspension of authorizations for new plants and the revocation of those already in the start-up phase. Furthermore, the mayors ask that the Region identify areas that are not suitable for the installation of wind and photovoltaic plants, to avoid an 'indiscriminate aggression' of the territory.

The Belice Valley has a rich and complex history, and its inhabitants want to build a future that enhances local resources. With Gibellina designated as the Italian City of Contemporary Art for 2026, the mayors see art and culture as fundamental tools for the rebirth of the valley. “The beauty of our places must be preserved and enhanced, not sacrificed on the altar of indiscriminate development,” they conclude. Their request is part of a broader context, where requests for connection to the electricity grid in Sicily far exceed regional objectives, highlighting the need for more careful and respectful planning of the territory.