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21/01/2025 04:40:00

Sharp rise in flu cases, kids most hit

 There was a sharp rise in flu cases in Italy in the week of January 6-12, the Higher Health Institute (ISS) reported, saying that children were the most affected age group.

The incidence level in Italy was equal to 14.3 cases per thousand assisted (12.1 in the previous week) and the incidence was increasing in all age groups, but the most affected were children under five years of age in whom the incidence was equal to 25.5 cases per thousand assisted (22.6 in the previous week).

The estimated cases of flu-like syndrome were approximately 841,000 that week, for a total of approximately 6,793,000 cases since the beginning of surveillance, said the weekly report RespiVirNet-Integrated Surveillance of Respiratory Viruses of the ISS, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

Although the circulation of influenza viruses is increasing, the ISS emphasized that the number of influenza-like syndromes is also supported by other respiratory viruses.
Among the Regions, the most affected are Tuscany, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

Basilicata and Calabria have not activated epidemiological surveillance.