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22/01/2025 04:55:00

Mattarella visits a multi-ethnic school in Sicily where 2 boys had been subjected to racist insults

Prime Minister Meloni is in Washington, D.C. to attend Trump's inauguration as 47th President of the United States She is one of the few European leaders invited to attend the ceremony.

President Mattarella visited the De Amicis-Da Vinci school in Palermo, Sicily after learning that two students of the institute, originally from Ghana and Mauritius, had been subjected to racist insults in recent days.

It is an alarming picture that emerges from the Oxfam report, presented in conjunction with the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The dynamics are similar between the world and Italy: the wealthy and the poor are on the rise.

Italian researchers have discovered a new gene that causes Alzheimer's Disease, according to a new study published in the international scientific journal Alzheimer's Research & Therapy.

Sanremo 2025 is around the corner. Host Carlo Conti appears less reserved about news to share. He has unveiled the name of the first guest- Jovanotti will be the first artist to step foot on the Ariston stage as a super-host.

Soccer. Tonight Como-Udinese. Yesterday Inter victorious over Empoli, while Lazio wins 3-NIl against Verona. Napoli still head of the class.

Tennis. Australian Open. Italy's world number one Sinner continues his race, beating Rune to reach the quarter-finals despite felling unwell. Lorenzo Sonego also goes forward after defeating 19-year-old American Learner Tien.

A triumphant weekend for Italian skiing. Victories for both Federica Brignone and Sofia Goggia.

Milan fashion shows dedicated to men's haute couture.