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30/09/2017 14:22:00

We are suffering for not paying Ryanair fees, claims Trapani in Sicily

 Ryanair flights account for more than 90 per cent of air traffic at Trapani’s airport. This week the carrier suspended seven routes from it, including two destinations in Germany that the town relies on to bring in tourists. Giancarlo Guarrera, director-general at the airport, said that the cuts would mean 300,000 fewer visitors this winter. This could mean a £35 million drop in the local economy, which may put 3,500 jobs at risk.

Like other airports in Europe, Trapani attracted Ryanair’s custom after paying it to market the area’s tourist attractions. Between April 2014 and March this year, Trapani airport and local councils agreed to pay about €5 million a year, but the contract has not been renewed. Pino Pace, head of the local chamber of commerce, said: “I am convinced that behind this decision is the non-renewal of the deal.”

Ryanair said that it complied fully with competition and state aid rules and was fighting claims to the contrary.