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12/07/2018 08:07:00

Italian coast guard ship to arrive in Trapani with 67 migrants aboard

The Diciotti, an Italian coast guard ship with 67 rescued migrants on board, is due to arrive in Trapani  after the government refused entry to a private vessel carrying the same people.

Those aboard were rescued at sea by a civilian boat, the Vos Thalassa, which became the first private Italian-owned and Italian-classed ship to be turned away from Italy because it was carrying migrants.

The Vos Thalassa remains in the Mediterranean, while the people onboard were transferred into the coast guard's care on Tuesday after their behaviour put the tugboat's crew at risk, according to Italian Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli.

The situation reportedly became dangerous when the rescued migrants were told they might be handed over to the Libyan coast guard, Repubblica reported.

Toninelli granted permission to the Italian coast guard to disembark the 67 people in Trapani, Sicily, despite objections from Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, who was the one to deny entry to the Vos Thalassa.