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22/02/2024 04:45:00

The haunting Sicilian ghost town climbing out of its grave

 One of Italy's biggest ghost towns has been eerily deserted since 1968, after a massive earthquake rocked the island of Sicily and forced residents to flee. For nearly half a century, the ruins have stood empty, occupied only by fresh Mediterranean air and a chilling absence. Until now.

The Belice Valley earthquake, as it was called, resulted in the deaths of more than 200 people, leaving hundreds more injured, and thousands without a home, but it hit the small western town of Poggioreale hardest. While another Poggioreale was later established further down the valley, the remnants of the original picturesque village never left the hearts of a few former villagers.

What remained of the original Poggioreale was simply left in place, crumbling but not reduced to rubble. It held enough potential, in fact, to support some lofty ideas.

Check out this gallery to see some stunning photos of how time stood hauntingly still, and catch a glimpse of both the rich past and ambitious future ahead for this idyllic location. Plus, find out how you could own a piece of Italian charm for less than the price of a cup of coffee...