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18/08/2021 04:10:00

Mick Jagger love for Sicily

 Mick Jagger, the frontman of British rock group The Rolling Stones, has reportedly bought a house in Sicily where he has been based since last October.

The 78-year-old rockstar, who spent summer 2020 in a Tuscan villa, has travelled Sicily extensively in recent months, staying in numerous places including Noto in the south-east of the Italian island.

Jagger has reportedly purchased a seafront property in Portopalo di Capo Passero, in the southernmost tip of Sicily, about 60 km south of Syracuse.

The area is described by local media as "one of the most beautiful and evocative places" in the region which last week registered a temperature of 48.8 degrees Celsius, a new European heat record.

The town council of Mussomeli, in the centre of the island, had reportedly tried to lure Jagger with a house on sale for just €1 but it seems the singer declined the offer.