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25/08/2021 04:10:00

Admin chaos and Covid-19 has left 1,000 coffins unburied in Sicily. Now some are exploding

 A combination of administrative backlogs, a heatwave, and a spike in Covid-19 deaths have resulted in unburied, exploding coffins in Palermo, Sicily.

Around 1,000 coffins waiting to be laid to rest at the Rotoli cemetery in Palermo are being stored in offices, on shelves, and in tents in the sun that has reached over 48 degrees Celsius.

The director of Palermo's cemeteries, Leonardo Cristofaro, said numerous coffins had started to leak and some had exploded in the heatwave that is showing the highest ever recorded temperatures in Europe, The Times report.

"Cadaver fluids started to come out of some coffins. Some coffins exploded due to the extreme heat. This situation will not improve without burying these coffins. This could become a very serious health risk," Cristofaro said, according to reports.

There's a rush to bury the coffins, not just due to current extreme temperatures or for the peace of mind of mourning loved ones, but because thunderstorms are forecast to sweep the island.

Last year, a flash flood swept through a major cemetery in Palermo, leaving coffins floating in the fallen rainwater.