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19/11/2024 04:15:00

Trial for Aiding Matteo Messina Denaro's Fugitive Life to Begin in January

 The trial concerning Cosimo Leone, a radiologist, Massimo Gentile, an architect, and Leonardo Gulotta, a previously uncharged young man, is set to commence this January. The three are accused of assisting in the prolonged hiding of the notorious boss Matteo Messina Denaro. Arrested last March, the defendants have opted for a fast-track trial procedure, which will be based on the evidence gathered during the investigation.

According to the prosecution, Gentile allegedly lent his identity to Messina Denaro, enabling him to purchase a Fiat 500 and a motorcycle using a falsified ID card bearing his details. Leone is accused of facilitating the boss's hospital stay in Mazara del Vallo by adjusting his work shifts to provide personal assistance and by sending him a SIM card via an intermediary. Gulotta is alleged to have provided a cellphone number used by the boss to retrieve vehicle documents.

Defense Denies the Charges Gentile’s lawyers, Antonio Ingroia and Mario Di Trapani, argue that their client was the victim of identity theft. Mariella Gulotta, the lawyer for the defendant of the same name, disputes the claim that the cellphone number used by Messina Denaro was actually linked to her client, suggesting a possible error or misdirection by the boss. Leone, who was initially placed under house arrest after the charges were downgraded to aggravated aiding, has recently been sent back to jail following a new ruling by the Supreme Court.

Next Steps in the Trial The prosecution’s closing arguments by Paolo Guido, Gianluca De Leo, Bruno Brucoli, and Pierangelo Padova are scheduled for January. Judge Marco Gaeta will evaluate the gathered evidence, while the defenses are gearing up to dismantle the charges and prove their clients' non-involvement in the alleged crimes. This trial is crucial in piecing together the network of support that enabled Messina Denaro to evade capture for nearly three decades.