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28/01/2025 04:50:00

   From a Vessel of Despair to a Beacon of Justice: The “Vega” Sailing Boat Transformed

At the Lega Navale of Trapani, the sailing boat "Vega", once used for human trafficking, has been returned to the community, not as a ghost of the past, but as a symbol of legality, named after judge Gian Giacomo Ciaccio Montalto, who was murdered by the mafia in 1983.

A palpable emotion swept through the dockside among the authorities and members of the Italian Naval League, who were the architects of this remarkable transformation. The "Vega", seized during operations against illegal immigration, has been refurbished and renewed by volunteers from the LNI, ready to sail the seas with a new purpose: social and sporting activities, projects of legality, a message of rebirth that starts from Trapani and addresses all of Sicily.

"A Promise Kept": the Lega Navale of Trapani and the Commitment to Legality

"When we took charge of this boat, we made a promise: it would sail the waves in the name of justice, in memory of those who sacrificed their lives to defend our values," says Piero Culcasi, president of the Lega Navale of Trapani, with tears of emotion in his eyes. "Today, with this ceremony, we keep that promise, a commitment we made to the entire community of Trapani. The 'Vega' is not just a boat; it is a symbol of redemption, a warning for the new generations: the mafia can take away our best men, but their ideas will continue to sail with us." It is no coincidence that the "Vega" already participated last October in the Trophy named after Ciaccio Montalto, with a special crew made up of magistrates, officials from the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri, and Coast Guard. A crew that represents the collective commitment of institutions in the fight against crime.

"Memory as a Weapon Against Illegality"

"Remembering is not enough, we must act. Memory must turn into a daily commitment against all forms of illegality," emphasizes Antonello Cracolici, president of the Regional Antimafia Commission at the Ars, with a voice full of civic passion. "Today, human trafficking is a huge business for criminals, an emergency that requires maximum attention. But let's not forget that the same interests, the same ruthless logic, lie behind drug trafficking as well. Judge Montalto understood this; he was a pioneer in this field, and he paid with his life for his courage. Therefore, naming this boat after him is a dutiful act, a way to say that his sacrifice was not in vain, that his ideas continue to live in those who fight for justice."

"Montalto, the Magistrate Who Loved the Sea"

"Gian Giacomo was not just an upright magistrate, he was a man of great culture and sensitivity, a lover of music and the sea," fondly remembers Alessandra Camassa, president of the Court of Trapani. "I am sure that today he would be happy to see us here, to know that this boat, a symbol of freedom, carries his name. He, who faced his challenging work with passion and dedication, found in the sea and music the strength to move forward, to not succumb to the weight of his investigations. And today, this boat sailing towards a better future, is also a tribute to his passion, his love for life."

"A New Horizon of Legality"

"This ceremony is not just a moment of commemoration, but also a sign of hope, the beginning of a new phase," underlines Pietro Maria Fragnelli, bishop of Trapani, as he solemnly blesses the "Vega".

"With the dedication to Judge Montalto, this boat becomes a symbol of redemption, an opportunity to turn the page and build a future of legality. A future in which the community of Trapani, wounded by years of mafia and illegality, can finally look forward with confidence. And the Lega Navale, with this initiative, confirms itself as an important reference point for our city, an example of civic engagement and solidarity."

"A Cross to Protect the Vega": the Gift and the Wish

"I entrust this boat with a symbol of faith and hope," says Bishop Fragnelli, handing over a cross made by an adult scout. "May this cross accompany the 'Vega' in all its missions, may it be an inspiration for those who sail aboard, reminding them of the importance of following the right path, of working for the common good. And may Judge Montalto, from above, protect this symbol of legality, which today sails our seas."