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29/05/2024 04:40:00

  After Years Abroad, Joan Kistner Angileri Returns to Marsala for a Heartwarming Family Reunion

 After years of living apart, Joan Kistner Angileri, a resident of Clearwater, Florida (USA), embarked on an exciting journey back to Marsala for an extraordinary family reunion that brought together over 70 descendants of the centuries-old Angileri family. The event marked a profound reconnection with her roots and family history, which dates back to the early 1900s when five of the thirteen Angileri siblings emigrated from Sicily to the United States in pursuit of success in trade.

The story of Joan, the daughter of Jack Angileri who recently celebrated his 101st birthday in Florida, is a vibrant testament to the love for one’s origins. Despite the years and distance, the desire to bring together scattered family members from the five family branches—Buffa, Salerno, Martinez, Angileri, and D'Angelo—prevailed, culminating in a family reunion in Marsala that hadn’t been seen in decades.

"It was an incredibly beautiful and moving moment. This reunion was a great gift, a gesture of love that we will always remember," said the participants, all thrilled by the opportunity.

Joan and her husband Bill's last trip to Italy was almost a decade ago, and her return has rekindled family bonds and revived shared memories. The meeting was attended by several generations.

Joan Angileri's effort to reunite her family demonstrates the unifying power of roots and shared traditions, a theme that resonates deeply in a community rich in history and family values like Marsala.

This reunion will undoubtedly be remembered as a landmark in the history of the Angileri family, a symbol of the unbreakable bond that not even time and distance can erode. It's an experience that will remain etched in the hearts of all participants for many years to come.